
Wanted (2008)

Eidem's Pick -- LOOKING FOR:
  • Beat ‘Em Up Action Flick
  • Not A Deep Movie That Makes You Think
  • Heavy Violence
  • Some Coarse Language
  • Die Hard: With A Vengeance
  • Equilibrium
  • Schwarzenegger Style Action
  • Rumble in the Bronx

  • Interesting Take On Physics
  • Morgan Freeman
When I first watched Wanted, it was during the 4th of July weekend. When I watch am movie on that particular weekend, I am in no mood for a movie that makes me think, or tries to make a point. I have just finished watching fireworks go off and I am in the mood for non-stop action and stuff that blows up pretty. I was not disappointed in the least when I saw this movie. The plot does not make much sense, the description of how these people get their powers is not explained well at all, and the acting is sub-par. If you are in a mood for a movie with consistency or depth, stay away. If you are in for a movie that gives you an unbelievable premise and you agree to take the ride, this is a movie you will enjoy. Fun action, interesting take on manipulating the laws of physics, and an overall enjoyable movie if in that mood. IN SUM: Stay away if you want depth, watch it if you want a no brain action flick. --EIDEM

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  • Escapist Fantasy
  • A movie to play drinking games with


  • Extreme comic-book violence
  • F carpet-bombing
  • Some sexuality      


  • The Matrix
  • A good movie


  • Starship Troopers
  • The Running Man


  • Bullets hitting each other in slow-motion
  • Angelina Jolie’s tattoos
  • A sweet Dodge Viper

This is not a smart film.  At all.  Which is not necessarily a bad thing, in and of itself.  I’m an occasional fan of classic 1980’s-style meathead action flicks.  However, I’m hesitant to ascribe this film to that category, just because the aforementioned action flicks had a certain brawny innocence to them; a balls-to-the-wall savoir-faire that made them a lot of fun.  I felt that this movie took itself way too seriously—making it impossible to enjoy its absurd premise and goofy action.  In addition to that, it had altogether too much plot. The offensively dumb plot took up many tens of precious minutes, minutes that could have been better employed with delightful explosions and more of that sweet red Dodge Viper driving on the sides of buses. 

IN SUM:  I definitely agree with Eidem that this is definitely a no-brains action flick (unless you count the brains continually splattered all over the walls, ceilings, and occasionally the camera).  However, I didn’t particularly enjoy it. I went into the movie wanting either a smart action thriller or a gleeful stuff-smashing, Mac-truck driving romp, and I didn’t feel like the movie delivered on either count. --MASON

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Why would anyone want to diminish their mental capacity by watching such a movie? I can think of a lot better and less cringe-worthy ways to have a fun, mindless time. Throwing a rubber ball against a wall comes to mind, or shredding a piece of paper into smaller and yet smaller bits.